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Top Career Web sites for children and adolescents

Career assessments and tests help you to discover. Career books and websites give you an idea of the working world. Free career information Web sites. Some writers have written facts for children and adolescents. We want to share with you some information. These graphics sites, multimedia presentations, activities and other techniques to extend our knowledge of career opportunities. We wrote about seventeen (17) Web sites. Here are the fourdifferent types of search sites, career:


Career Information

Science Career Cluster

Specific scientific career

Curriculum Websites

Curriculum Web sites offer activities, audits, guidelines, as well as career information.

Resource: Career Cruiser

Source: Florida Department of Education

The Career Cruiser is a guide to career exploration for students of middle school. The cruiser career is itselfAssessment activities to match personal interests to careers. The Career Cruiser has information on Holland codes. Careers are grouped into 16 career clusters. The Career Cruiser has information on job descriptions, average income, and the minimum education required for the job.

Teacher's Guide is also available.

Two resources: Elementary Core Career Connection

Source: Utah State Office of Education

The Core Career Connections is a collection ofThe teaching activity, a 6-7 K to 8, teachers, and parents. Each school learning activities that directly align with the Utah State Core. This learning resource provides a framework for teachers, coaches and parents to integrate career awareness with students of elementary and middle class.

Career Information Web Sites

Some Web sites offer information excellent career opportunities. Some websites list the facts of jobs, wages,Career perspectives, interests, education, and more.

Three resource: Career Voyages

Source: U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Education

The Career Voyages Web site is a website for the exploration of career elementary school students. The Career Voyages Web site contains information on the following areas:

Advanced Manufacturing




Financial Services



Information Technology



Aerospace and "BioGeoNano Technologies

Four Resource: Career Ship

Source: New York State Department of Labor

Career Ship is a free online tool for career exploration for students of secondary schools.
Career Ship uses Holland codes and O * NET Career Exploration Tools. For each job, Career Ship provides the following information:








Related occupations

Career Ship is a product of Mapping Your Future, a Web site of public service, career, college, financial aid and financial literacy information and services.


Source: New York State Department of Labor

Career Zone is the exploration of careers and the planning system. Career Zone has an evaluationHolland code. Career Zone provides information over 900 jobs from the new O * NET database, the latest labor market with statistical information from the NYS Department of Labor and interactive career portfolios for middle and high school students who take NYS Education Department Career Plan initiative in touch. Career Zone provides links to college exploration and resource planning, 300 career videos, resume builder, cover letter and list the benchmark application maker.

Resource Six: Destination2020

Source: Canada Career Consortium

Destination 2020 helps youth discover how everyday activities can help develop the skills necessary to make the many challenges of the workforce.

Skills are associated with:


Other school activities

Activity Play at home

Work at Home

Through testing, activities and objects that could actually see some answers or at least a direction for their future. There are more than 200Profiles of real people, describing what a day at work, as for her.

Seven resource: What Do You Like

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

What do you like the Bureau of Labor Statistics career site for children. The site provides career information for students in grades 4-8 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most of the material on this site was developed by ' Bureau Occupational Outlook handbook, a publication of guidelines appropriateAdults and advanced high school students that describes the tasks of work, working conditions, training requirements, levels of income and employment for hundreds of occupations. Careers are matched hobbies and interests. Teacher's guide, there are twelve categories and their respective professions.

Science Career Cluster

Some organizations have created Web pages that have a scientific career.

Eight resource: EEK! Getting a job in environmental education forKids

Source: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

EEK! Getting a job in environmental education for children is an electronic magazine for children in classes 4-8 EEK! Getting a job provides information on:





Park Ranger

Wildlife Biologist

Natural Park

And 'to start looking for a job description for each year of the policy, a list of professional activities, ideas for activitiesCareer and professional skills required.

Nine resource: GetTech

Source: National Association of Manufacturers, Center for Workforce Success, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of Labor

Get Tech is an educational website, Career Exploration makes the information available.
Get Tech has information on the following areas:

New Production

Information Technology

engineering and Industrial Technologies

Biotechnologyand Chemistry

Health and Medicine

Art & Design

In each area there are examples of careers.

Description of each work is:

General Description


Number of persons employed in jobs

Number of jobs available in the future


Qualification required

Location of training: University Pharmacy Program.

Courses required

This is a guide for the teacher's Get Technical.

Ten of resources:LifeWorks

Source: National Institutes of Health, Office of Science Education

LifeWorks is a career exploration site for students of secondary schools. LifeWorks contains information on more than 100 physicians and health careers. For each category LifeWorks has the following information:


Training required

Area of Interest

Median wage

True stories of people performing different tasks

LifeWorks is a career-Finder canAre you looking for a place name, area of interest, the education required, or content.

Eleven of resources: San Diego Zoo Job Profiles for Kids

Source: San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo Job Profiles discussed jobs for people who:

Working with animals

Working with plants

Working with science and conservation

Working with people

Work that allows you to run the zoo and park

There are activities within each list, for example:

What we

What's cool aboutThis offer

Job challenges

How does this help the animals

How to get a job like this

In practice ...

How do I become ...

Twelve resource: Scientists in action!

Source: U.S. Department of Interior

Scientists in Action features summaries of the lives of people involved in careers in science:

Mapping the planet

Sampling the sea floor

Protection of wildlife

Volcanic predictionEruptions

Twelve resource: Want to Be a scientist?

Source: Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Wants to be a scientist is an online career exploration program for children over 8 to 13 years. He wants to be a scientist has a set of job descriptions, stories and other resources to do what scientists here at ARS.

These stories are:

Plant pathologist




Animal Scientist


Plant Physiology

Specific scientific career

The last group of websites dedicated to providing information about specific careers in science, veterinary surgeons, for example,

Thirteen resource: veterinarians

Source: American Veterinary Medical Association

About Veterinary facts:

What is a veterinarian?

A veterinarian


What personal skills, required a veterinarian?

What are the pros and cons of a career veterinarian?

Vets Education


After graduating Veterinary School


School Statistics

Preparation Advice

Preveterinary Coursework

Where are the majority of schools

School Accreditation

The phases of the study


The academic experience

Role of veterinarians

Private Practice

Teaching and research

Regulating Medicine

Public Health

Uniformed Services

Private industry

Employment Outlook

Estimated Employment

The advantages of specialization


Greatest potential growth areas

Other Professional Brief

AVMA Veterinary Career Center

Becoming a veterinarianTechnical

His career in Veterinary Technology

Duties and responsibilities


Education required

Distance Learning


Rules of Professional Conduct



Fourteen Resource: Aquarium Careers

Source: Monterey Bay Aquarium

Aquarium Careers Careers information available. For each profile of employees, are training and skills. ThePersonal profiles include:


Education Specialist

Exhibitions Coordinator

Exhibit Designer

Research biologist

Science Writer

Aquarium careers website to answer the following questions:

What should I do now to prepare for a career in marine biology?

Where can I find a good college for marine biology?

What should my college major?

How do I choose a school of specialization?

I'm not sure, my area of interest. What should I do?

Marine Science Career Resources include information on:

Marine Advanced Technology Education

Marine Mammal Center, California

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California

Scripps Library

Sea Grant

Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station

State University of New York at Stony Brook

Fifteen Resource: engineering The Stealth Profession

Source: Discover Engineering

> Engineering The Stealth Profession has a lot of information about engineers:

Types of engineers

Aeronautics and Astronautics

Ceramic / Materials Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Electrical engineering / technical computing

Environmental Engineering

Industrial Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering



True Stories


Education required


Used Equipment

Sixteen resource: Sea Grant Marine Careers

Source: Marine Careers

Sea Grant Marine Careers you the facts about marine career fields and people working in these areas. Sea Grant Marine Careers outlines information on:

Marine Biology


Ocean Engineering

Related fields

In each zone there is adetailed description of the nature of the work done by scientists. There are different stories feature for scientists in the professional field.

Career profiles include information on:

What is your current job and what?

What was the deciding factor in career decisions?

What do you like most about your career?

What do you like least in your career?

What do you do to relax?

Who are your heroes / heroines?

What advicethere would be a high school student with an interest in a career in your field to be expressed?

Are career opportunities in your area increasing or decreasing and why?

What will you do 10 years from now?

What is the range of salaries?

Resource Seventeen: Do You Want to be a volcanologist?

Source: Volcano World

Do You Want to be a volcanologist? offers the following description:

Volcanologist word


Characteristics of success



Career Web sites can help to sensitize the various aspects of career: The functions, salaries, job prospects, interests, education, knowledge and skills. We know that you will enjoy the exploration of career.

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