วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

The Advantages to a College Degree for Today's Job Seekers

A degree is an advantage in today's work force does. And the number of jobs available for graduates is much greater, and often have higher salaries and benefits.

The availability of jobs

The number of jobs that a high school diploma or a degree is an advantage on the rise. In previous generations there were many levels of jobs available for those without a college education, or in some cases even high school diploma. But now manythese jobs simply do not exist anymore, or now require a college education.

Industrial jobs have been trade and skilled labor more often before the birth of computer technology. Now, for many areas require a smaller workforce due to technological progress. Although data are not needed because many assembly line workers, there are many jobs available in engineering, management and business administration, in which a university education is an advantage.


The benefits of a university degree in science, manufacturing and engineering are very strong. University students can now study the highly specialized science related degrees, directly for the contract market. Safety engineering, Environmental Science and DNA analysis are examples of highly specialized areas, the demand only in the last 10 years or so that it has become.

One of the advantages of a college education is that students are aware ofmany issues and areas that have never seen without a high school. Students are required to adopt a series of basic courses like math, science, literature and basic computer skills. Electives are also required for students to and a course that sounds like interesting and attractive to catch them. Students often find themselves in one of those courses that have a talent and / or their passion for a topic and begin to understand their potential in the labor marketMarketplace.

While obtaining a master's degree is required in some areas, sometimes only with a college education is beneficial, regardless of the subject. Employers want to know that their employees have a well-rounded education. The benefits of a degree will be proven when your resume to those who elected to complete the commitment to their education.

Salary & Benefits

The advantage of an equivalent degreeincrease wages and salaries. In the winter of 2004-05 Occupational Outlook Quarterly, U.S. Department of Labor reported that "In 2003, workers who have a bachelor's degree had median weekly earnings of $ 900, compared to $ 554 a week for high school graduates - the difference of $ 346 per week, or an increase of 62 percent of median income. "These figures are a clear affirmation that the benefit of a degree is the highest power gain.

Persons seeking employment will also find that the elementsCan not really ask for a college education is even more for those who pay to have a degree. Persons seeking employment with a college education is still earn higher salaries and wages, even if the level is not directly required for the job.

The jobs that do not require a degree often have fewer benefits. These jobs often have no pension or health insurance benefits that are mandatory financial security and stability of the family.

The advantage of a degree:Conclusion

Visitors and graduated from the school is the best way for a career that pays well and offers the opportunity to prepare a secure future. If you are determined and work hard, you can complete your education and begin a career that now offer and pave the way for a secure pension.

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